There's multiple contact methods available to you within Navigator.

You can send the campaign out to the customer via letter, Email or SMS.

Print letters

Print Letters is used to print all the customers within the campaign a letter. When print letters is selected it will show you a list of available letters.

To print the letters for the customers double click the relevant letter.

Tip: If you are processing a letter use the clean up function to “Remove customers with no address”

Send Email

Send email is used to send all the customers within the campaign an email.

When “Send Email” is selected it will bring up the below window, this will allow you to create a new standard email or select an email that was created previously.



To select an existing email double click on the email title, this will then send the selected email to all customers within the campaign. 

To create a new email select new template.


Once entered select OK, the below window will then appear.

Please enter a subject and write up your email within the “Text email body” option. You can use the variables to the right hand side to have that information pull in from the customer record.


Select save to save the email template.


Tip: If sending an email clean up and “Remove customers with no email address”


Send SMS

Send SMS is used to send all the customers within the campaign an SMS.

When send SMS is selected it brings up the below window.


 Please enter your message and select Send to send the SMS message.

You can either free type this out, or select a template, new templates are created by using the "New Template" function.