You can manage dealer option costs through the vehicle stock record by navigating to the Purchase Status tab and selecting Post Purchase.

  1. Dealer Options Tab: This section lists all dealer options added through the Sales Order. To post costs against these options, follow these steps:

    • Estimated Cost: Displays the estimated cost of each dealer option.
    • Posted to Date: Shows the total amount already posted for the option.
    • To Post: Enter the amount you want to allocate to the dealer option in this field.
  2. Handling Multiple Options: If there are multiple dealer options, use the Dealer Option column to select and edit the next item.

  3. Invoice Balancing: The value to be posted must be entered in the To Post box. Ensure the Inv Value field reflects the total amount allocated to each dealer option. If the invoice is not balanced, the system will prevent you from posting.

  4. Reversing Costs: To reverse previously posted costs, repeat the steps above but enter a negative value in the To Post field for the dealer option.

  5. Finalizing: Once you've entered the correct amounts (or negative amounts for reversals), click Post to finalize the process.