Follow these steps to close deals efficiently:

1. Run the Pipeline Profit Report

  1. Go to Sales Managers Toolkit > Reports > Pipeline Profit Report.
  2. In the "Select On" dropdown, change the selection to Invoice Date.
  3. Set the date range:
    • Date From: Enter the 1st of the month you are dealing with.
    • Date To: Enter the last date of the month you are dealing with.
  4. Leave Invoiced Deals Only and Vehicle Type as their default settings (Both Ordered and Invoiced, Both).
  5. Ensure Open Deals Only is checked, so you only see deals that need to be closed.
  6. If managing multiple branches, select the relevant branches from the dropdown.

  1. Click the Report button to generate the report.

    The report will display a list of invoiced vehicles. You can double-click on each deal to review and close it.

2. Review the Profit Analysis Report

  1. Navigate to Sales Status > Profit Analysis.

This report shows the actual profit before the deal is closed, including the Margin VAT deducted. Ensure all costs have been posted, and you are satisfied with the actual profit.

  1. Once you're satisfied, select the Close button at the bottom right-hand corner. This will take you back to the stock record.

3. Closing the Deal

  1. In the stock record, select the "Close Deal" button at the top.

If there are any outstanding items, such as:

  • Settlement payments not posted
  • Open workshop jobs
  • Unallocated costs from workshop or parts
  • Vehicle not delivered

The system will warn you and provide a list of these issues.

  1. A dialog box will appear, showing your staff ID and any flagged items (e.g., Bonus, Purchase Invoice) that need to be posted.

    • Review and correct any flagged items.
    • Ensure only your Staff ID appears in the box or confirm that any additional items are accurate before closing.

  1. The system will default to the invoice date, but you can change it if you need to post the deal into a different month. The branch that sold the vehicle will remain the same for the accounts postings, allowing you to review and close deals without switching branches constantly.